Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This Weeks Assigned Reading

Wow! The Castro chapters provided a lot of information. I am not sure if I processed it all. Even though it may not have all sunk in, it provided a lot of food for thought. What font should I use? Should I use an image for my background? ....

Additionally, Castro's book has served as a Rosetta Stone, allowing me to decipher the language used to create websites. My new found knowledge will help me to understand how the websites that I like are written. Thus, allowing me to more easily incorporate some of their finer aspects into my website.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Yes! I am running again. It has been way too long. Since I started school I have done a poor job of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I have hit the pavement for the past few weeks. It feels great to tread a few miles underneath my trainers. You may be asking yourself why I am writing a post about running because it doesn't seem related to my final project. It does. Running improves my energy levels and it makes me feel good. As a result, it has galvanized me into action, providing me with the energy for the home stretch, completing my website.

What do you think of the following website:
It is an example of a website for an estate lawyer.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Saturday I was given the go ahead by Karen's dad, an estate lawyer, to create a website for him . Actually, he rather liked the idea. He will allow me to create a website for his huge firm, counting him there are a total of one lawyer. Otherwise, there isn't too much to report. I am anxious to learn about the web design tools that we will be using to create our website. Until then I cannot envision what my website will look like.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

More Questions

Firstly (does that sound silly?), I would like to thank everyone that has provided me with ideas for my website. It has been a pleasure reading your comments.

My last post has me asking myself more questions (I hope that isn't a sign of paranoid schizophrenia).

What are some possible topics for a small private law firm website's subpages?
I may include the following: Bio, Directions, & Links

I guess I will have to brainstorm ideas. I will also have to arrange an interview with my future father-in law to get an idea of his vision for the website. Tangent. I remember the first day meeting him. Karen, my fiancee, told be, "whatever you do don't wear your pink polo. You'll never live it down." Do you think I did anyway?


I may use the colors below all this writing for my website. Please tell me what you think.

Although I may have decided upon colors, I have a new problem. What images should I use? Do people like seeing an image of the attorney before they meet him/her? Is it like a teenagers use of Internet social spaces (i.e. Facebook and MySpace) ? Please post a picture, if your unattractive, sorry, you cannot have my business? Do unattractive lawyers scare people?

Monday, April 14, 2008

I am creating a website for...

...a private practice law office.

It is going to be a great challenge. I have never created a website before. Are any of you familiar with any law firm websites? I am interested in locating a few brilliant examples, websites that I can model my future creation after.

I have an idea for a color palette. I am going to match a blue with a yellow. They happen to be the colors of the Ukrainian Flag. Coincidentally, my future father in-law is part Slavic. His dad was Ukrainian. Luckily, the two colors I have chosen are a great combination. I did a color palette check.

Signing off for tonight. Blog you all later.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Final Project

I am going to do something practical for my final project. I will be creating a website for my future Father-in-Law. I know what your thinking. What a brown noser. You 're right. My nose is brown, wait a minute, it's always that color.

The following has nothing to do with my final project.

Does anybody reading this blog like lentils? If you are thinking, I love lentils! Please read on. I am about to share a Mexican recipe for making lentils.


1 cup dried lentils
1 medium onion
5 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon of ground cumin
1 teaspoon salt or to taste
Ground (cayenne) red pepper to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
1 cup of chicken broth (optional)


  1. Put the dried lentils in a pot .
  2. Add 2 cups water (3 cups if you aren't using the broth) and the chicken broth
  3. Add the onion, chopped
  4. Add the garlic, chopped (If you microwave the garlic for 15 sec., it is easier to peel them)
  5. Add the spices
  6. Bring to a boil, Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until lentils are tender, about 45 minutes.
  7. Remove cover and simmer over low heat, stirring frequently, about 20 more minutes. The lentils should be thick and mushy.
Serve with rice. I recommend jasmine rice.
